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 Jose Mijares 

Born in Havana Cuba in 1921. Initiated his studies at Academia de San Alejandro in Havana in 1936, graduating in 1942.  In 1944 he participated in the juried exhibition IV National Paintings, Engravings and Sculptures Salon in Havana winning second place in spite of being considered the most talented painter in the show.  In 1948 he became a teacher at the San Alejandro Academy. In the early 1950’s his art shifted towards geometric abstraction creating a series of paintings titled “Formas Concretas” a series he will follow until 1967. In 1953, he represented Cuba at the III Biennial in Sao Paul and in 1956 at the XXVI  Venice Biennial. During this decade he participated in exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Arts, Paris; and the National Museums of Haiti and Venezuela, became a founding member of the group of 10 being part of their zenith exhibit “10 pintores Concretros” at the Color y Luz gallery in 1959. He left Cuba for the US in the early 1960’s settling in Miami in 1968 where he continued to paint abstract geometric forms that evolved into neo-baroque compositions with strong figurative themes.  He received the Cintas Foundation Fellowship Award in 1970 and an honorary doctorate in fine arts from Florida International University in 2001.  He died in Miami in 2002.

Jose Maria Mijares

Jose Maria Mijares

Untitled. Oil on canvas. 1955

Jose Maria Mijares

Jose Maria Mijares

Untitled. Oil on canvas.100 x 80 cm. c.1965

Jose Maria Mijares

Jose Maria Mijares

c 1990's

Jose Maria Mijares

Jose Maria Mijares

Untitled. Oil on canvas.100 x 80 cm c.1965

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